Top 30+ Funny Wedding Anniversary Messages

Of the most important factors in maintaining a successful marriage is learning how to keep a sense of humor. When we can laugh at the trials and tribulations flung on us day after day by the challenges of married life, we stand a much better chance of coming out the other end unscathed.

Happy Wedding Anniversary! It’s time to celebrate the day you lost your freedom.

However, it’s not always easy to find the humorous side of the dramas married life presents. That’s why it’s up to friends and family to help put a lighthearted perspective on marital strife. Here are the best humorous anniversary messages that will put a smile on the faces of your married loved ones.

Funny Wedding Anniversary Messages

  • Happy Wedding Anniversary! It’s time to celebrate the day you lost your freedom. Woohoo!
  • For most people, their wedding is the happiest day of their life, and it’s all downhill after that. Happy anniversary!
  • The key to a successful marriage is to just learn to put the seat down and get over it. Happy anniversary, buddy.
  • The difference between men and women: a bride dreams about her wedding day, while the groom can’t wait for the wedding night. Happy anniversary!
  • People sometimes describe marriage as nagging wives and useless husbands. They must be spying on the two of you. Happy anniversary!

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People sometimes describe marriage as nagging wives and useless husbands. They must be spying on the two of you. Happy anniversary!

  • Whenever people say that marriage is about family values, I think about your wedding reception and laugh. Happy anniversary!
  • There are a lot of good things about marriage: the wedding, the reception, the honeymoon…OK, that’s about it, I guess. Happy anniversary!
  • No two marriages are ever exactly alike. They are each miserable in their own special way. Happy anniversary!
  • Marriage isn’t just two people watching each other get fat and old together forever. Wait, that’s actually pretty much what marriage is, isn’t it?
  • The people telling you that you need to put the spark back in your marriage aren’t the ones paying the electricity bill. Happy Anniversary!
  • Reciting wedding vows is a time-honored tradition that turns two perfectly honest people into bald-faced liars. Happy anniversary!
  • You two always make marriage look so easy. What are you hiding? Happy anniversary!
  • Happy anniversary! If young people had any idea how difficult married life can be, the human race would have died out ages ago.
  • Some married couples claim to stay together for the kids. Hey! Don’t blame your misery on me, Mom and Dad! Happy Wedding Anniversary!
  • They call fifty years the golden wedding anniversary, because at that age you can’t go twenty minutes without having to use the restroom. Happy anniversary!
  • Every year we commemorate the day you got married. Don’t you hate when people won’t let you forget the stupid things you did? Happy anniversary!

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Every year we commemorate the day you got married. Don’t you hate when people won’t let you forget the stupid things you did

  • Married couples are committed to spending the rest of their lives together. Even second degree murder gets only twenty years in some states. Happy anniversary.
  • Marriage is about having a loving partner right behind you every step of the way, making sure you don’t screw everything up again. Happy anniversary!
  • Marriage is an institution that has very few rules and lots of penalties. Happy anniversary!
  • Happy anniversary to the happiest married couple I know. I guess that’s not saying much, is it?
  • Marriage means spending your life with someone who knows your every dumb thought, your every stupid decision, your every disgusting habit. Happy anniversary!
  • You two share a marriage that no one could make light of. You’ve put on too much weight since the wedding. Happy anniversary!
  • Marriage starts out as a fairy tale wedding, but you end up living a psychological thriller. Happy anniversary!
  • When marriage gets tough, just remind yourself that things could be worse. Don’t ask me how. Make something up. Happy anniversary!
  • They say marriage is what you make of it. Looks like you guys went with the disappointment and misery option. Happy anniversary!
  • Happy anniversary! You’ve been together so long, even your anniversary cake is starting to look like a family heirloom!
  • Congrats on another year of surviving each other! Your marriage is like fine wine—it just gets better with age (or at least more tolerable!).
  • Happy anniversary! Remember, marriage is all about teamwork—so don’t forget to do your part and laugh at your spouse’s jokes!
  • Another year, another chance to prove that love is blind… and possibly a little deaf too! Happy anniversary!
  • Congrats on staying married another year! At this point, it’s safe to say you’re in it for the long haul… or just too tired to argue!

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Last Updated on October 10, 2024